Sunday, April 13, 2008

Weekly Goals

Hey everyone - before I do another update on my yearly goals, I thought I'd throw some weekly goals out there. Maybe you all can help hold me accountable! I have a health evaluation on Wednesday - free through work. They take my blood and give me back some numbers. Fun times. I don't think there is much else to it. If I get back some good info, I'll be sure to post it here.

As always, if you have any issues, insights, or comments, please let me know!

Weekly Goals:

Work out 5 days - spinning, weights, and running. I've done 4 no problem, but Friday has proved to be elusive. I'm hoping that I can get up early Tuesday and Friday and lift.

Eat out only on Tuesday night - IRA season is over Tuesday and our department will celebrate by going to Flat Branch. I'll enjoy some appetizers and maybe imbibe, but I'll control myself.

Meditate - This is a new one. Does anyone that reads my blog actually do this? I may have to consult some of my resources before getting back into this one, but I'd like to focus on being more mindful of myself and being present in the moment. I tend to worry about the future and focus on negative actions from my past instead of enjoying now.

Do something social during the week - I tend to get home from working out after work and just lay around the house. I find it funny that I have to tell myself to be social these days. Nick - GET OFF YOUR ARSE! SHOWER! TALK TO INTERESTING PEOPLE!

Blog - I owe you all the rest of my quarterly update!

Breathe in. Breathe out.

There you go!


Carolyn said...

well, yoga has its meditative moments, but i've never done a full meditation class (which is offered!). i am interested, though, and can see that i'd benefit from it. being "more mindful" is a good way of looking at it, i think!

let me know how it goes. :)

Megan said...

I don't really meditate, but when I go out with my camera to take photos, I think about a lot of things. I find myself paying more attention to things in the world when I'm taking photos. Going on walks/runs outside is when I'm "more mindful". It's the one reason I hate going to the gym b/c I get so much more out of being outside with some music.

And as morbid as it sounds, I like to walk through cemeteries with my camera. It's actually really peaceful, and makes you think about your own life quite a bit. In addition, if you're in an older cemetery, some of the art on the gravestones can be pretty interesting.

Megan said...

Dammit, Nick. I know I'm probably late realizing you deleted your myspace, but I wanted a song from one of your blogs on there. Now I can't remember who it is. It's some chick who sings jazz. Help?