Sunday, April 20, 2008

Enjoying Sunday

Hey everyone - sporadic blogging lately. I'll do my best to remedy that. For now, enjoy a Zen-inspired post...

Today, Sunday, April 20th, was a fantastically productive day. I woke around 1100 - later than I wanted - but still in time do get breakfast, shower, and start my day with plenty of time to get things done. I started working in the yard around noon. I mowed, dethatched, raked, mowed again, mulched, and did a final mow with the bagger to get everything cleaned from the yard. First mow for the spring, so it needed it. The backyard will hopefully dry out by next weekend.

Then, I went shopping for groceries. I had no list, which could have been dangerous, but I didn't spend too much. I got a steak for tonight, and some stuff for the week. I decided as I was cooking that I would sit at my kitchen table and eat. Usually, I sit in front of the TV and mindlessly eat while I watch similarly mindless TV. Not tonight. I've been reading a lot of things about "being present" and being focused on what I'm doing that instant. I decided to turn off all electronics, cook my meal, and enjoy - nay, savor - every moment. This is how it started:

Perfect weather for a grilled KC strip steak. I added a couple small ears of corn on the cob, and finished with a mix of sauteed vegetables. Pair it with a nice Cab Sauv, and it turned out very nicely.

So, I sat at my table sans distractions and enjoyed my food. I'd be lying if I said I had any major epiphanies - I didn't think about my lot in the world, how to end hunger, or about the past or future. All I thought about was now. How does this steak taste NOW? How do the vegetables taste NOW? This corn tastes great NOW.

If I could give everyone one recommendation for this week, it would be to eat a meal while being focused on the present. Eat your food and have no other distractions. We have so many things vying for our attention in a given week - workouts, work, friends, TV, computer, web, blogging, news...the list goes on and on. Stop giving time to distractions for one night - think about the food - be it steak, etc... or whatever you like to make. I promise it will be one of the best meals you've had in a long time!

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

alright. that does it. i'm moving in. make me steak, too! :)