Wednesday, January 9, 2008

5 little ditties

Well, in previous social forums (Myspace, Facebook), I'd type out some new music recommendations. I figured an easy blog to get me in the spirit here would be to share with you all some of the songs running though my iTunes playlist lately. They may not be really new, but they are new to me. Hopefully they'll be new and good to you!

Ben Harper - "Fool for a Lonesome Train"
Great song - pretty chill, but it has a lot of emotion behind it.

Shelby Lynne - "Evil Man"
Nice simple, dirty blues song. dig.

Rufus Wainwright - "Across the Universe"
Yeah, it's a Beatles cover, but Rufus does it right. Really interesting.

Hope Waits - "Get Behind the Mule"
Where did this gal come from ? She's awesome...

The Real Tuesday Meld - "I Believe"
How can you not like a crazy song with lyrics like "I believe in anything if I believe that you believe in love." It's not a sappy song either. Check it out. Quirky

There you are - 5 little ditties.


Carolyn said...

i haven't heard a single one of those! :)

Carolyn said...

p.s. this used to be my blog background template. nice choice. ;)

Megan said...

First of all, I am appalled that you're just now telling me about your blog, considering you've had it since October. I mean, really.

Secondly, The Real Tuesday Weld flipping rocks. I have all the albums. Love it.

Thirdly, I'm glad you FINALLY told me about your blog. You better post regularly so I have something to read while in classes starting next week. Hope you're doing well. :O)

Megan said...

By the way, you should check out "Bathtime in Clerkenwell" by The Real Tuesday Weld. Or, just go ahead and buy the whole "I, Lucifer" album(if you haven't already), it's awesome.